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Juice Bottles

Re-Connect To Divinity

One of our missions is to help others extend and re-connect the channels of full frequency and highest vibrations. To open the energy centers of true Self-Mastery via accessed clear cellular memory; to utilize at its true potential. In doing so we welcome you to seasonal detoxing!

Overall Health

Detoxing is so much more than just physical health. It is a way to restart the overall programming of the self. Being that the body inhabits two other forms of ourselves, we undergo a complete reset physically, mentally and spiritually.


We rid the body of both dead and weak cells, as well as accumulated mucus. According to Dr. Sebi, mucus is the number one cause of all diseases. By eliminating impurities from our body that hinder our potential, we can then nourish it with proper nutrition to attain optimal health. In doing so, the body undergoes a stage of awakening. As DNA begins to repair, the body sends signals to the mind providing it with information that was once dormant.  


Not many people realize the effects that detoxing has on the mind. If you wish to be successful in anything; you need discipline. Discipline is a trait that many people lack not realizing that the food we eat effect the way we think and feel. During a detox, the mind goes through a series of battles. From the sensation of hunger, to the cravings; we are in a constant battle before we reach paradise. A state within the mind called Nirvana. Mental clarity and focus become new weapons within your arsenal. Outside influences no longer have the power to influence the new mind as your patience has grown. The body is the child and the mind is the parent. A child doesn't know any better which is why it is the parents job to be the guardian. You can't be a guardian if you are not in control of yourself which is what detoxing does. It gives you control over the mind. Become the master of thought and emotions so you can then recreate your reality.


Energy can never be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. In other words, you've always been around since the beginning of time. We are not human beings experiencing a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings experiencing a human experience. Spirit is ALWAYS trying to tell us how to move accordingly so that we could find true peace within our lives but due to our environmental influences, not many of us are able to hear. Many of the lifestyles we live and foods we eat  silence this voice as this voice vibrates at a high frequency. If we wish to be able to hear it, we must match its frequency.

All living things (significant or non significant) carry a vibratory frequency.

The more we associate ourselves to that frequency, the more we become like it. Majority of our diets consists of dairy, sweets, sugars, meats, etc which are all low frequency foods. If we wish to be closer towards divinity, we must associate ourselves with that of a higher frequency. Detoxing rids the body of all impurities. A fresh start to a clean slate. In doing so it brings your frequency back to its natural divine state which in return opens many channels within the mind, body and spirit. After a cleanse you get the feeling of oneness.

As you continue to radiate this frequency you see more of its benefits in your daily life. You will attract more of what you are; Love and Abundance.​


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

Seasonal Detox

We encourage everyone to join us on a seasonal detox which takes place every three months. As you can see, detoxing and staying on a high vibrational frequency has many benefits. Why detox seasonally if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat high vibrational foods? We are products of nature. Mother Earth changes every 3 months and brings fourth new information to the planet. Every 3 months is a new start to a new season and with that, she brings us a new set of fresh produce to consume in accordance to the season. We must stay up to date with what she brings to the table. Regardless of how healthy we eat, we naturally create build up. Our body isn't designed to run forever. In doing so we also prepare the body to better absorb the new information that will be coming in with the season.

Take the first step towards a better you!

7 Day Detox Download

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(Recommended, Not Required)

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Tan Girl

Madeline Rodriguez

"This was truly an amazing experience. Never would I have thought that I could go 3 days without eating. I started struggling by the end of day 2. After day 3, it was much easier. I don't think I've ever drank as much water as I did within those 3 days. The feeling of introducing the juices was like no other. I felt very light, more energetic and motivated. Overall, I can definitely feel the difference within my body. Thank you for helping me go through such a journey. Having everyone there made such a difference support wise. Can't wait for the next detox!"

Man Smiling

Gino Abreu

"This was an amazing detox from start to finish. I want to thank you and Gaby for putting this together and helping me reset my body and lifestyle as I sure did need it. 

The ups of this detox was for sure a more positive, energetic start to my day(s). Waking up at 5-6am with absolute energy and motivation to get my day going. Throughout the day got more things done than usual. No clouded thoughts or negative self-talk. Towards the end of the detox when the juices were involved I could literally feel my body digesting all the extra toxic wastes my body was holding. I didn’t do it for weight loss but I do feel like my health has improved. This detox motivated me so much I ordered about 8 books, some on fasting, nutrition and herbs by Dr. Sebi, and more. It has opened my mind up more than it was before to focus entirely on my health and not take my temple for granted. I honestly feel like I can go an extra day of fasting with water (my girls already making the soup so ima pass lmao). But on a serious note, in my honest opinion this whole experience has taught me a lot of patience, love within myself/others, and willingness to learn more and eventually teach others that may be in need of detox and fasting. I can’t thank you guys enough seriously."

Girl with Braids

Erica Diaz

"It was HARD but so worth it. I struggled a lot at times. I really wanted to give up on the 3rd night. I felt really dizzy and weak but I ended up sleeping it off and woke up feeling great. When the juicing started I felt the same way after the 1st drink and again wanted to give up. I kept telling myself it was for my own good and that the ending would be so much more rewarding. I feel awesome. Definitely am trying to change old eating habits. Will continue to do 16:8 intermittent fasting. I want to thank you guys soooo much!!! Can’t wait for the next detox."

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